Gostovanje prof. dr Nenada Đurića, direktora Instituta za povrtarstvo, na TV Jasenica (20.02.2022). Uticaj meteoroloških faktora na poljoprivredne useve, neophodnost prihrane, priprema za prolećnu setvu. Dostupnost semena pasulja. Novosti u distribuciji semena, rast prodaje. Početak proizvodnje rasa...

U Bijeljini, Republika Srpska, održan je tradicionalni seminar "Izazovi poljoprivredne proizvodnje" koji je suorganizovao i Institut za povrtarstvo, sa Poljoprivrednim fakultetom Univerziteta u Bijeljini, gradom Bijeljinom i Upravom BiH za zaštitu zdravlja bilja.

Naši istraživači su održali dva pr...

Međunarodni sajam voćarstva, povrtarstva i vinogradarstva AGRO BELGRADE 2023 traje još danas. Juče su naš štand posetili ministarka poljoprivrede Jelena Tanasković, ministar poljoprivrede Severne Makedonije Ljupčo Nikolovski i ministar poljoprivrede Republike Srpske dr Savo Minić.

IMG-1513adee352f0ca3d9465927ecc70246-V IMG-c487fc764a6282ea46e85b9c877483f0-V IMG-ec5d624d37f25ee7fb2aa92d30ef0b1b-V~2

Ministarstvo nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija Republike Srbije, 25. januara raspisalo je Javni poziv za učešće u sredstvima Ministarstva u 2023. godini za 14 programskih aktivnosti.

U okviru ovog javnog poziva objavljen je i 23. javni poziv za dodelu stipendija studentima doktorskih akadems...

Tržišni nastup u aktuelnoj sezoni, gde se sve može kupiti naše seme ove godine, dipl. ekon. Jelena Đorđević.

Kreativni tim emisije "Plodno i rodno" posetio je Institut za povrtarstvo. U danas emitovanoj epizodi na televiziji b92, prikazani su start nove sezone proizvodnje rasada i aktuelnosti u zaštićenom prostoru. Takođe, imate priliku kratkog uvida u dinamiku izvoza semena na tržišta u okruženju Srbije,...

Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela i Institut za povrtarstvo zaključili su Ugovor o naučnoj i poslovno tehničkoj saradnji. Ugovore su potpisali v.d. direktora Centra dr Zorica Jestrović i direktor Instituta prof. dr Nenad Đurić . Takođe, Institut je prepoznao značaj popularizacije naučnoistraživački...

Ministarstvo nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija Republike Srbije je 25. decembra 2022. godine raspisalo Šesti poziv za uključenje talentovanih mladih istraživača - studenata doktorskih studija u naučnoistraživački rad akreditovanih naučnoistraživačkih organizacija.

Institut za povrtarstvo ima...

Prof. dr Nenad Đurić primio je u ime Instituta za povrtarstvo, čiji je i direktor, Povelju u znak priznanja za izuzetan doprinos razvoju savetodavstva i poljoprivrede Republike Srbije. Povelju je prof. dr Đuriću uručio pomoćnik ministarke poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Aleksandar Bogićević...

U organizaciji Instituta za povrtarstvo, u četvrtak 03. novembra 2022. godine, održan je Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja“. Nakon otvaranja skupa od strane direktora Instituta, prof. dr Nenada Đurića, učesnic...

Institut za povrtarstvo juče je posetio direktor državnog Instituta za seme i povrtarstvo republike Azerbejdžan, gospodin Elmar Allahverdiyev. Prof. dr Nenad Đurić razmotrio je sa delegacijom iz Azerbejdžana mogućnosti za naučnu saradnju dva instituta, gosti su takođe upoznati sa komercijalnom ponud...

Institut za povrtarstvo nastupio je na trodnevnoj sajamskoj manifestaciji Interagro 2022 koja je 20. put za redom održana u Bijeljini (BIH). Veliki broj poljoprivrednih proizvođača iskazao je interesovanje za naše sorte i hibride povrća. Od ove godine naša semena biće dostupna u BIH kroz prodajne ob...

Početkom septembra Institut je predstavio široku paletu komercijalnih semena na 29. jesenjem međunarodnom Bjelovarskom sajmu. Naš štand posetila je ministarka poljoprivrede Vlade Republike Hrvatske mr. sc Marija Vučković, koju je u razgovoru prof. dr Nenad Đurić upoznao sa naučnim dostignućima, vis...

U saradnji sa Upravom za agrarna plaćanja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Institut za povrtarstvo iz Smederevske Palanke učestvuje u realizaciji projekta „Rana proizvodnja rasada povrća u uslovima nedostatka prirodne svetlosti korišćenjem tehnologije veštačkog osvetljenja“ na...

Institut za povrtarstvo učestvovao je na ovogodišnjem „Paradajz festu“ koji je održan u Lebanu. Tokom trodnevne manifestacije dr Slađana Savić održala je predavanje „Trendovi i izazovi u oplemenjivanju i proizvodnji paradajza“. Direktor Instituta dr Nenad Đurić razgovarao je sa predsednikom Opštine...

Juče je u Skoplju potpisan Ugovor o distribuciji i zastupanju za Makedoniju. Semena Instituta za povrtarstvo biće dostupna poljoprivrednicima u Makedoniji preko distributivne mreže firme AGROUNIJA DOOEL Skopje koju vodi gospodin Ognen Orovčanec. Svi naši potrošači iz Makedonije moći će da nabave...

Gostovanje direktora Instituta dr Nenada Đurića na TV Jasenica, ponedeljak 13. jun 2022.

Na Novosadskom sajmu održan je sastanak direktora Instituta dr Nenada Đurića sa predsednicom Zadružnog saveza Vojvodine magistrom Jelenom Nestorov Bizonj. Tokom sastanka povrtarima iz Vojvodine ponuđene su pogodnosti u nabavci semena za zadrugare, kao i mogućnost da se izvrši transfer tehnologije i...

Institut za povrtarstvo učestvuje na 89. Međunarodnom poljoprivrednom sajmu u Novom Sadu. Naš štand nalazi se u Hali broj 1. Posetite nas. Sajam se održava od 21. do 27. maja. Radno vreme sajma je od 9 do 19 časova, poslednjeg dana u petak 27. maja od 9 do 16 časova.

Tokom prethodne nedelje održan je sastanak Zadružnog saveza Srbije sa predstavnicima Instituta za povrtarstvo. Produkcija Agrojug napravila je kratak prilog u kome možete čuti izjave direktora Instituta dr Nenada Đurića i predsednika Zadružnog saveza Srbije Nikole Mihailovića.

Radno vreme Instituta za povrtarstvo:

od ponedeljka do petka od 07 do 15 h. Vikendom ne radimo.

Institut za povrtarstvo posetila je grupa studenata III godine opšteg smera i voćarstva Agronomskog fakulteta u Čačku. Istom prilikom, u prisustvu predsednika Upravnog odbora Instituta dr Nenada Pavlovića, direktor Instituta prof. dr Nenad Đurić i Prodekan za finansije Agronomskog fakulteta dr Duško...

U okviru IPA prekograničnog projekta između Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine „Zdravi i bezbedni gastronomski proizvodi kao potencijal za novo zapošljavanje“, 5. i 6. maja u Zvorniku i Bijeljini, održan je Naučno-stručni karavan zdrave i bezbedne ishrane.

Prof. dr Nenad Đurić u Zvorniku i Bijeljini od...

Imamo novi artikl u ponudi, zelenu salatu Iceberg, cena po plodu je 80 dinara sa PDV-om. Veleprodajna cena je 70 dinara.

Snizili smo cenu rasada. Cene su po biljci, u čaši, sa PDV-om:

  • Paradajz 50 dinara
  • Paprika 30 dinara
  • Krastavac 30 dinara

Tokom vikenda Institut za povrtarstvo radiće u subotu od 08 do 13 časova. Neradni dani su nedelja, ponedeljak i utorak. Prvi radni dan nakon Praznika rada je sreda 4. maj.

Institut za povrtarstvo je u četvrtak, 21. aprila, u svečanoj sali SANU, uzeo učešće na okruglom stolu sa temom: "ULOGA NAUČNIH INSTITUTA U UNAPREĐENJU POLJOPRIVREDE I SELA SRBIJE" u organizaciji Akademijskog odbora za selo. Na skupu su učestvovali, pored predsednika Akademijskog odbora za selo akad...

Za Vaskršnje praznike, Institut za povrtarstvo će raditi, u subotu od 08 do 13 časova i u ponedeljak, od 08 do 13 časova. Možete kupiti rasad paprike, paradajza i krastavca, plod zelene salate i semena povrća. Tokom petka i nedelje Institut neće raditi.

Poljoprivredna emisija AgroJug napravila je prilog o Institutu za povrtarstvo. Sa direktorom prof. dr Nenadom Đurićem razgovarao Jovan Jovanović.

Direktor Instituta za povrtarstvo, prof. dr Nenad Đurić, gostovao je na regionalnoj TV Jasenica.

Učenici trećeg razreda Srednje škole Žikica Damnjanović, obrazovnog profila tehničar za zaštitu životne sredine, su sa svojim predmetnim profesorom Oliverom Bećić, bili u poseti Institutu za povrtarsvtvo. Poseta je organizovana u cilju realizacije blok nastave iz predmeta zagađivanje i zaštita zemlj...

Na Institutu za povrtarstvo počela je prodaja ranog rasada. Rasad se prodaje u čašama, cena je po biljci. Radimo i subotom od 08 do 13 časova. Dobrodošli.

  • Paradajz 60 dinara
  • Paprika 50 dinara
  • Krastavac 50 dinara

Nakon sprovedenog javnog konkursa za izbor i imenovanje direktora i pribavljene saglasnosti ministra prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Upravni odbor doneo je 22. marta Odluku o imenovanju višeg naučnog saradnika prof. dr Nenada Đurića za direktora Instituta za povrtarstvo na četvorogodišnji man...

U veleprodaji, uz osnovni rabat, za avanse, odobravamo i kasa skonto: 20% za hobi program (kesice), 15% za profi program (gramatura). Od 16. marta do 20. aprila 2022. godine.

Isporuka robe:

Za vrednost robe iznad 5.000 sa PDV-om, dostava besplatna. Za vrednost robe do 5.000 sa PDV-om troša...

National scientific conference with international participation
Smederevska Palanka, December 15, 2021

[Download the Program in PDF format] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qlHduELashTcdOkV8ef4vg4k3RYL82K5/v...

Organized by the Institute for Vegetable Crops, on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, the conference with international participation "Biotechnology and modern approach in plant cultivation and breeding" was held. After the opening of the meeting by the Acting Director of the Institute, doc. Dr. Almir Mu...

The following topics are discussed in the video below: vegetable seed gene bank, queen and king of vegetables, fruit taste and selection directions, guardians of national treasures, successes in cooperative seed production, influence of light on different stages of plant growth, this year's seed qua...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops announces the sale, only for wholesale, Roman lettuce Puterica at price 20 dinars / plant, no packaging included. All plants have been produced at the Institute.

For wholesale customers, for bags of vegetables, in addition to the basic discount, for advances of payment , we grant an additional discount cash discount of 15% . The action incentive lasts from February 15 to March 15 2022.

Delivery is free for all deliveries worth more than 5,000 din...

Yesterday, a working meeting of the heads of the Institute for Vegetable Crops and the Agricultural Expert Service of the Tamis Institute was held in Pancevo. On this occasion, Acting director of the Institute for Vegetable Crops Dr. Almir Muhović and director of PSS Institute Tamiš prof. Dr. Nikola...

Based on Art. 62 of the Law on Science and Research ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 49/2019 of July 8, 2019) and Art. 13. Decisions on the establishment of the Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 36/2019 of 24.05.2019), at the 18th session held on 22.12.20...

A public bidding procedure for leasing office space of 108 m2, which is located on the ground floor of a residential building at Prvi srpski ustanak St. no. 112, which is registered as LOCAL B in the real estate certificate no. 7055 of K.O. Smederevska Palanka 1, plot no. 5059, with the following es...

Laboratory for seed health and germination testing at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka deals with testing of physical, chemical and biological properties of seeds as well as sampling of agricultural plant seeds. It was first accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS)...

On Wednesday, we had the honor and pleasure of being visited by professors and students of Koceljevo High School at the Institute. At the beginning of June, we started cooperation with this school. Through the program of professional practice, the students nurtured the seed crop of our paprika Župsk...

Plant genetic resources are extremely important for every country. Plant genetic resources of vegetables represent all vegetable plant species used in agriculture. These include commercial varieties, old varieties, local populations, wild relatives of vegetable species and material that has emerged...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops calls all interested parts to give their bids for buying fillets of red pepper Severija and Palanačka kapija. Bids and all questions for additional information with offered price should be sent to mail komercijala@institut-palanka.rs


The Institute for Vegetable Crops invites all interested buyers to apply for an offer to purchase mercantile corn of the genus 2021. In the offer, state the purchase price and terms of purchase, as well as the method of payment. The place of taking over the goods is the floor warehouse of the Instit...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka is initiating a public bidding procedure for leasing office space of 108 m2, which is located on the ground floor of a residential building at Prvi Srpski ustanak St, 108, which is registered as LOCAL B in the list of real estate no. 7055 of K.O....

Yesterday, the Institute was visited by our dear guests from the Faculty of Biology: professor PhD Đorđe Fira, PhD Ivica Dimkić and PhD Tamara Janakijev; project consultant mast.eng. Dejan Lazić, and representatives of the Italian company Simbiotica, PhD Rebeca Fuzinatto Dall Agnol and Dr Bruno Bemb...

The Director of the Institute, PhD Almir Muhović, and the Assistant Director, PhD Sladjan Adžić, visited the International Fair BURSA AGRICULTURE 2021 from October 5 to 7, 2021. One of the largest agricultural events in the Middle East is being held in Bursa, Republic of Turkey.The visit was organiz...

Decision of Board of directors was pushed forward by General manager. We have modernized our chemical laboratory. We have procured digester and PCR chamber. This procurement is raising safety level of our researchers, it also becomes foundation for future improvment of scientific work. Also, new pH...

In june we started cooperation with High school "Koceljeva". Through a program of professional practice, they nurtured seed crop of pepper "Župska rana". This is their promo video.

The Institute for Vegetable Crops started the sale og the raw tomato juice, without seed. The price is 70 RSD (VAT included). Buyers should bring their own bottles for filling. For additional information call 026317170

The "AgroTV" has visited the Novi Sad Agriclutar Fair. They chose stand as one of the most interesting. Suzana Pavlović. Phd gave a very interesting interview! Have a look! Tell us what you think! New products watermelon Sremica and cabbagge Zahar

The Institute for Vegetable Crops carries out the activities to protect and improve the safety and health of employees at work. Therefore, new working equipment has been bought. The adequate protective equipment is one of the prerequisites for the full physical, mental and social well-being of emplo...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, is organizing the National Scientific-Professional Conference with international participation "BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MODERN APPROACH IN PLANT GROWING AND BREEDING". The Conference will be held in Smederevska Palanka on December 15, 2021, at the In...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops paticipates at the 88th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad. The stand of our team is located in Hall 1.

Today, the director of the Institute, Almir Muhović, PhD is at the stand, talking to business partners and potential buyers.




The Institute for Vegetable Crops invites all interested buyers to contact us in order to make an offer for the purchase of mercantile soybean and sunflower of the yield 2021. Please, state the purchase price and conditions of purchase, as well as the method of payment. The place of taking over...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka is initiating a public bidding procedure for leasing office space of 108 m2, which is located on the ground floor of a residential building at Prvi Srpski ustanak St, 108, which is registered as LOCAL A in the list of real estate no. 7055 of K.O....

Progress! Until yesterday, a thing that had no value, and was almost a waste, today is something through with new value. Supervised extraction of pepper seeds, separation and commercialization of pepper fillets, through business-technical cooperation.

The Institute hosted representatives of the Iranian company "Jovain agricultural & industrial company". This company was established in 1976 by the Directorate for Registration and Industrial Property of Tehran companies.

Today, the company owns 12,000 ha of land, where field and vegetable product...

If you want to know how the hybridization of tomatoes Mi - 10 is done and why Serbian tomatoes are usually more tasty, take a look at this video.

Our new price-list for laboratory services is available on-line on the following address.

On Thursday, July 22nd, the newly established celebration of Harvest Day (the 1st Vegetable Ball) was held. Our subcontractors, business partners, representatives of local government and state bodies, as well as our employees attended the celebration. Guests had the opportunity to get acquainted wit...

The wheat harvest is in progress, at the moment :) Here is an interview with Mr. Radiša Đorđević, PhD.

This is what the seed crop of Župska rana paprika looks like, at the village of Žabare near Topola. Mr Dobrica Vesić is our subcontractor in pepper seed production.

Have you heard of the turnaround at the Institute for Vegetable Crops? The government of the Republic of Serbia is aware of the importance the Institute has for the agriculture of our country. If you would like to know what is new at our Institute, listen to this 19 minutes of an interesting intervi...

Today, prof. Dr. Zorica Jovanović and research associates Dr. Milena Marjanović and Dr. Ivana Petrović, from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade visited the Institute for Vegetable Cops. They were received by the acting Director of the Institute Dr. Almir Muhović, Assistant Director D...

Institute for Vegetable Crops calls all interested buyers to apply for buying mercantile wheat from an area of 70 ha. Place of takeover is Smederevska Palanka, 71 Karadjordjeva St. The deadline for application is July 15th 2021. All offers can be sent to: komercijala@institut-palanka.rs.

High School "Koceljeva" was founded in 1980. Agriculture is one of the areas of work in which students are educated through the profile of an agricultural technician, within which there are elective subjects in vegetables and organic vegetables. This year, the school produces commercial pepper seed...

Today, on June 15th 2021, after a long pause due to Covid-19, a traditional Fair of Agricultural machines and tools, has been held in Smederevska Palanka. In a direct conversation, farmers were provided with expert advices, information on the advantages of domestic varieties and hybrids of the Ins...

Great news! RIVeC: Digital Repository of the Institute for Vegetable Crops is here! RIVeC provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Institute for Vegetable Crops. The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern st...

Farmers cooperate with the Institute through cooperative production of vegetable seeds. This year, the Institute offered contractors higher prices and better conditions for cooperation. Through the video, you can find out how seed production takes place and what are the specifics of cooperative seed...

AgroTV has visited the Institute for Vegetable Crops! Our General Manager, Mr. Almir Muhovic, PhD, gave an interview and here is what he said. In the second video, Head of the Scientific Research, Mrs. Suzana Pavlovic, PhD talks about the Laboratory of the Seed Quality Control. Videos "Naše dobro"...

New cabbage variety Zahar SP registered at the EU variety list and the National Variety List in Serbia is a result of many years of research and the final result of the Project financed by Innovation fond of the Republic of Serbia.

The main characteristic of this variety is a very high level o...

The General Manager of the Institute Mr. Almir Muhovic, PhD strongly supports scientific cooperation of our Institute with other institutions for high education. Last Thursday, we hosted the delegation from the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade: professor Đorđe Fira, PhD, Senior Research As...

The seedling sales season is over. During this year, many people from Palanka and the region bougth seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers from the greenhouse of the Institute of Vegetables. We thank everyone who visited us, expressed interest in our varieties and hybrids of vegetables. We wis...

Vegetable seed crops this spring at the Institute for Vegetable Crops: lettuce, chard and carrot. Favorable meteorological conditions also influence the seed crops to be in good condition. Our experts and hard workers take care of them.

Photos were taken during May 2021, in Smederevska Palanka.


The Deputy Director of the Institute, Mr. Slađan Adžić, PhD and the Head of the Department for Agro-technique and Plant Physiology Mr. Dejan Cvikić, PhD as representatives of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, donated the pepper and tomato seedlings for pupil of the Elementary School “Branko Radicev...

Institute for Vegetable Crops participates is a partner within the European Evaluation Network (European Evaluation Network - EVA) for pepper. In the period from 2019 to 2022, EVA was financed by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany. This network promotes coopera...

Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka needs doctoral students of the Faculty of Chemistry who meet the conditions to be entitled a Research Associate (applied doctoral dissertation and at least one published paper) PhDs who meet the conditions for election to any scientific title. Appli...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops invites all interested vegetable producers, with registered farms, to apply for cooperation with the Institute for the production of seeds. Subcontractors are needed to establish seed crops of pepper (area 0.7 ha), cucumber (area 0.4 ha) and bean (area 1 ha). The co...

It is a great privilege and a big responsibility to be a part of the scientific-research institution established by the Republic of Serbia. Today, at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, the work space, parts of buildings and premises were branded by highlighting the symbols of visual identity and inf...

Our accredited Laboratory for Seed Quality Control performs the following external seed analysis: (1) Official complete analysis, 2.400 RSD; (2) Official partial (germination) analysis, 1.000 RSD; (3) Official partial (cleanness, mass of 1.000 seeds, humidity, health condition) analysis, 500...

The Republic of Serbia, through investing and taking care of scientific research, clearly shows that Science is the most powerful initiator of general social development. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, headed by Minister Mr. Branko Ružić and with the great support...

Human knowledge is the most valuable capital. Even in this time of crisis, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the focus of our researchers is the scientific research. Scientific paper "Antiviral effects of pomegranate peel extracts on human norovirus in food models and simulated gastrointestinal fluids"...

The Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka calls doctoral students from the Faculty of Agriculture, Biology or Chemistry who meet the conditions for electing to the title of Research Associate (applied doctoral dissertation and at least one published paper) or PhDs who meet the condition...

Dear all, the Institute for Vegetable Crops started ste seling of seedling. Plants are sold in plastic containers, prices are as given: pepper 40 RSD, tomato and cucumber 50 RSD per piece. Prices are given with VAT. You can find us at this address: 71 Karadordeva St. Smederevska Palanka, fro...

On March 24th 2021 representatives of the Institute for Vegetable Crops Dr. Almir Muhović, Acting Director, Dr. Nikola Ćurčić, Member of the Board, Dr. Sladjan Adžić, Assistant Acting Director and Mr. Aleksandar Markovic, Secretary of the Institutea met the Mayor of Smederevska Palanka, Mr. Nikola ...

New pricelist for season 2020/2021 is here! You can download it retail pricelist; Contact us komercijala@institut-palanka.rs, or buy our seed on line through our E-Shop.