Ivana Zivkovic, PhD, Research Assistant

Ivana Zivkovic, MSi was born in Belgrade in 1990.

She graduated at the Faculty of Agronomy, University of Belgrade, Department for Food Technology in 2013.
She enrolled Master studies at the same Faculty and defended Master Thesis: “Microbiological quality and safety of ice cream“ in 2014.

She enrolled Doctoral academic studies at the same Faculty in 2014 and passed all the exams (average mark 9.71). Ivana Živković conducted practical classes from the school year 2015/2016 to 2020 in the following subjects: Food Microbiology (third year, department: Food Technology, compulsory subject in the module: Management of safety and quality in food production); Genetics of industrial microorganisms (third year, department: Food Technology, compulsory subject in the module Food Microbiology); General Microbiology (second year, compulsory subject for all students in the Department of Food Technology) and Microbiology (first year, study program: Zootechnics). She participated at national and international scientific meetings, and at FOOD-3 International conference “The challenges for quality and safety along the food chain”, (Sofia, Bulgaria 23-25 mart, 2017) she won the second place for the poster and presentation „Antiviral effects of pomegranate peel extracts on human norovirus GII.“

She is a member of the “Serbian Society of Microbiology”.

Ivana works at the Institute for Vegetable Crops at the Department for Genetics and Plant Protection. Her scientific work is bacteria collection and study of plant bacteriosis (by using standard and molecular methods).